Oct 26, 2010

Trick or Treat?!

Halloween-time means exhibition-time for us volunteers in oko-centre. It is already our second exhibition - time is running really fast. This time we had already a little bit more experience and the preparation was easier for us. But nontheless we had to inform ourselves about halloween and learned a few new things about this day. Did you know that this celebration comes originally from Ireland? Or that it was first called "All-hallows Eve"? I didn't ;)

Besides doing some research on this topic, we had to be creative by making posters and games for our visitors. Yesterday and today were finally the exhibition-days and a lot of school classes have visited us.
It was hard for us to get up so early (how did we manage that in our schooltime???) but we had a lot of fun with the kids. Besides the exhibition we prepared some small games for learning the english halloween words and we made pumpkins. Here are some impressions of the two days:

Have a nice (and long) weekend :)


  1. Hi Christine, Nicola, Joanna, Adam, thank you for your excellent job! Happy Halloween to you!!! Jitka

  2. Hah yesterday Christine told me you have a blog and of course I had to google you right away! I'm so going to become a reader. Have a super weekend, see you next week, I hope.


